Privacy Policy

DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO ART. 13 OF THE EU REGULATION No. 679/2016 (relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as to the free circulation of such data) Dear Customer / Supplier / Visitor, the company GEOFOODS S.R.L., with headquarters in Via Aspromonte Bucchi, 18 – 06012 Città di Castello (PG). as data controller, pursuant to art. 13 of the EU Regulation no. 679/2016 wishes to inform you that your data will be processed according to the principles established by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation EU 679/2016), or in compliance with the principle of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, purpose limitation and conservation, minimization of data, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

Subject of Processing

The data processed are: 1. navigation data; 2. personal, identification and contact details.

Source of Data Processed

The Data Controller processes the navigation data and the personal data provided spontaneously by the data subject on the occasion of:

  • visits to the offices or phone calls;
  • request for quotes or offer proposals;
  • previous transactions;
  • subscription to the newsletter service.

Purpose and Legal Basis of Processing

The personal data voluntarily provided by you will be processed for the purposes indicated below.

Regarding navigation data:

  • allow the user to browse the website of the data controller;
  • perform statistical research / analysis on aggregate or anonymous data, without the possibility of identifying the Visitor,
  • to measure the operation,
  • traffic and interest of the Site itself;
  • fulfill legal obligations to which the Data Controller is subject.

Regarding personal, identification and contact data:

  • in execution of the contract between the interested party and GEOFOODS S.R.L or in execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the interested party for:
    • carry out the administrative-accounting activities strictly connected and instrumental to the fiscal and bureaucratic obligations and to the organizational management of the requested services;
    • exchange information, including pre and post contractual activities;
    • supply the goods and services requested and protect the credit positions arising therefrom;
    • formalize requests for information, prepare estimates or offers, manage negotiations and pre-contractual relationships;
    • Formulate requests or fulfill requests received.
  • With the consent of the interested party for:
    • Send newsletters and communications concerning informational and / or commercial and / or promotional messages concerning products,
    • news and promotions promoted by GEOFOODS SRL and to allow the interested party to stop sending, or to unsubscribe from the list of recipients .
    • With reference to marketing activities, it is specified that, in the event of your failure and specific consent to the processing, it will not be possible to carry out the aforementioned activities.

Cookie Policy

This Application uses Cookies. To learn more and to view the detailed information, the User can consult the Cookie Policy.

Data Dissemination and Communication

The personal data processed by the Data Controller will not be disclosed, or will not be disclosed to undetermined subjects, in any possible form, including that of making them available or simple consultation. The data is communicated to the recipients to the extent strictly necessary in relation to the aforementioned purposes.

They can be communicated to workers who work under the Owner; in particular, based on the roles and duties performed, some of them have been entitled to process personal data, within the limits of their competences and in accordance with the instructions given. They may also be communicated, within the strictly necessary limits, to external subjects who collaborate with the Data Controller and to subjects who, for the purpose of processing purchases or other requests or services relating to the transaction or the contractual relationship with the Data Controller, must provide assets and / or perform services or services. They may also be communicated to the subjects entitled to access it under the provisions of the law, regulations, and community regulations.

Finally, the data may be communicated to third parties belonging to the following categories: – subjects that provide services for the management of the information system used and for the functioning of the Site; – freelance professionals, studios or companies in the field of assistance and tax consultancy and labor law; – credit institutions; – competent authorities for the fulfillment of legal obligations and / or provisions of public bodies, upon request.

Data Transfer

The data controller does not transfer personal data to third countries or international organizations. However, it reserves the right to use cloud services; in which case, the service providers will be selected from those who provide adequate guarantees, as required by art. 46 GDPR 679/16.

Data Processing and Storage Procedures

The treatment will be carried out in an automated and / or manual form, with methods and tools aimed at guaranteeing maximum security and confidentiality, by persons specifically appointed for this purpose in compliance with the provisions of art. 4 and the principle of accountability of the G.D.P.R.

The Data Controller maintains and processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the indicated purposes, or to carry out what is requested by the user. Subsequently, the personal data will be stored, and not further processed, for the time established by the current civil and fiscal provisions. The data processed for marketing purposes will be kept by the Company from the moment in which the data subject has given his consent until such consent is revoked.

Rights of Interested Party

Pursuant to GDPR 679/2016 the interested party has the right of access (art. 15), right of rectification (art. 16), right to cancellation (art. 17), right to limitation of treatment (art. 18), right to portability (art. 20), right of opposition (art. 21), right of opposition to the automated decision-making process (art. 22).

For the purpose of asserting their rights, the interested party may contact the Data Controller specifying the object of their request, the right they intend to exercise and attaching a photocopy of an identity document attesting the legitimacy of the request to the following address: GEOFOODS S.R.L. Via Aspromonte Bucchi, 18 – 06012 Città di Castello (PG). Or by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address:

Revocation of Consent and Claim Proposal

With reference to art. 6 of GDPR 679/16, the interested party may revoke the consent given at any time, except for that relating to the communication of data to third parties provided for by law, whose failure to transmit could compromise, in whole or in part, the provision of the service. The interested party has the right to complain to the supervisory authority of the state of residence.

Refusal to Provide Data

The interested party may not refuse to provide the Data Controller with the personal data necessary to comply with the laws governing commercial transactions and taxation. Providing additional personal data may be necessary to improve the quality and efficiency of the transaction. Therefore, refusal to provide the data required by law will prevent the execution of orders; while the provision of further data may compromise in whole or in part the fulfillment of other requests and the quality and efficiency of the transaction itself.

Persons operating in the name and on behalf of legal persons may refuse to provide their Owners with their personal data. The transfer of these is however necessary for a correct and efficient management of the contractual relationship. Therefore, any refusal to grant data may compromise the contractual relationship in whole or in part. With regards to the data provided when registering for the newsletter service, the interested party may refuse to communicate the same to the Owner, since the conferment is optional. However, filling in the indicated fields is essential to receive the requested newsletter.

Data Controller

The Data Controller is GEOFOODS S.R.L. headquartered in via Aspromonte Bucchi, 18 – 06012 Città di Castello (PG). The Data Controller guarantees the security, confidentiality and protection of the personal data in its possession, at any stage of the processing of the same. The updated list of internal and external managers is available from the Data Controller.

Changes to This Policy

GEOFOODS S.R.L. reserves the right to change the content of this policy, in whole or in part, including due to changes in the Privacy legislation. GEOFOODS S.R.L. will carry out the publication on the site of the updated version of this policy, and from that moment it will be binding: the interested party is therefore invited to visit this section regularly.